Wednesday, August 29, 2018

New Motivational Music on Spotify by Leslie Cours Mather has Contagious Positivity

I’m still obsessing over Leslie Cours Mather’s new song “Love’s Gonna Do That”. It’s just as fun to listen to now as it was the first time. The song is just so quotable that I’ve had it stuck in my head for a week now, not that I’m complaining. I feel like I’m a happier person having listened to this inspirational song. I can’t wait for her new album “I’m a Survivor” to come out next month! If “Love’s Gonna Do That” is a preview about what’s to come on the album, then it can easily become one of my favorite albums of the year!  This song, and Leslie Cours Mather as an artist overall truly represent the best in the Adult Contemporary genre - blending pop, soul, rhythm and blues and rock influences (and also a lil’ bit of country in there as well)!

This song is inspiring for me because I love how honest Leslie is in the song. The idea that love can make you take chances to follow your dreams, while also being able to come around and hurt you is something all people who experienced heartbreak can relate to. However, I love how Leslie inspires us that love will also put you back up on your feet and believe in it again. Leslie’s songs like “Love’s Gonna Do That” and “We Are America” are definitely the songs that inspire hope in me that anything is possible.  Spotify’s curators thought so too, as they added her “We Are America” single to their Music Discovery playlist 

Be sure to follow Leslie on Facebook  and Spotify to stay updated on her latest news and music, and get ready for her new album “I’m A Survivor” that releases on September 28th! You can pre-order it here :)

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